Long distance and Ace Long distance categories

First of the categories considered to have a significant flying distance in the national racing pigeons championship of Romania is Long Distance category. Here can be found those races with a flying distance between 630 and 760 kilometers, and in the National Regulation of the National Federation of Pigeon Fanciers in Romania (FNCPR), every year there are 5 races in this category. Long distance races have predefined competition days and they cannot be organized on other days, except in cases of force majeure.

The norm of long distance category is achieved by scoring a minimum of 3 races of middle distance (over 475 km) or long distance (630-760 km) categories, summing a minimum of 1800 km. So that the races can be selected to fulfill the norm for National Long distance category, their rankings must include a minimum of 250 pigeons and 20 fanciers. One of the nominated races for National long distance norm can be extracted from the results of a Ranking Center (there may be several ranking centers included in a county association), and this can even be a marathon, extreme long distance race. Mandatory, one of the races which is required to fulfill the norm must be one organized with the local area, meaning one of the four competitions will be organized in partnership with one or more neighboring counties. Like for the other categories, National long distance norm is made for old birds, yearlings and young birds. The requirements are the same, but with the mention that for the Young birds long distance category, the minimum number of km is 1650 and not 1800 as for old birds. Also, for National Long distance category, palmares can also be achieved, which implies the achievement of the norm in two consecutive seasons.
However, National Long distance is not the only norm that Romanian fanciers can accomplish by participating in the championship. For those pigeons that excel in this type of competitions, National Regulation offers the possibility of meeting another norm, entitled more than suggestive: Ace Long distance. It is the category dedicated to the pigeons that perform in these competitions, so the requirements for fulfilling the norm are more demanding. Ace Long distance pigeons must score all the five races provided in the competition plan. Fanciers who especially want to fulfill the Ace Long distance norm can compete in the long distance races of another association with which their association does not have a protocol. They must apply the participation request 30 days before the date of organizing the race and must have a longer aerial distance or at least equal to the shortest from the organizing association. The palmares for Ace Long distance norm is performed according to the same algorithm, being needed 10 Long distance races in the last two seasons.

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