“Mihai I” trophy

A special distinction that the Romanian fanciers can win is the “Mihai I” Trophy. Mihai I, whose name bears this trophy, was the last king of Romania. He was the sovereign of the country on two occasions, both reigns being marked by very important historical events. Mihai I was for the first time king of Romanians at the age of only 6 years, between 1927 and 1930, reign that began immediately after the death of his grandfather Ferdinand I. Because King Mihai was still a minor and the government of the country was supported by a special commission, his first reign ended after only three years, when his father, Carol II, came to the throne of Romania. The second reign of King Mihai was between 1940 and 1947, at the same time as one of the most troubled historical periods in Europe. The first five years of his reign were marked by the events of World War II, so that in 1947 King Mihai was forced by the Communists to leave the throne and the country itself.
With such a historical load, the “Mihai I” trophy is awarded especially for the proven artistry in the racing pigeons sport and it is the supreme distinction that a Romanian fancier can earn. The “Mihai I” trophy is awarded once in a lifetime, and in order to obtain it, it is necessary to fulfill several conditions. The first is to win two national titles in the pigeon championship in two different years. Further, it is compulsory for the respective fancier to be the winner of two national breeders titles in two different seasons. Not least, fanciers entering the race for the highest distinction in the sport of Romanian racing pigeons sport must be, in two different years, part of the Olympic group of Romania in the Sport class. If a Romanian fancier fulfills all these conditions, his duty is to notify the association of which he is a part for drawing up a file in which to find all these results. The file will be handed over to the first National Exhibition of the current year to the president of the National Sports Commission of the National Federation. After verifying all the data, the fancier will be awarded the “Mihai I” trophy at the next edition of the National Exhibition.

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