Start of the 2020 season for the Arad and Bihor Associations

The first competition of the year in the Arad Pigeon Association was organized on May 21. The pigeons were launched from Hungary, and the stage had distances between 115-165 km. The first five places of the ranking were occupied by the young fancier Daniel Moș from Peregu Mare, having a perfect start for the current season. In the fanciers’ ranking, the first place went to Hohn Dieter from Arad. In the Bihor association, the first competition in 2020 was won by the team Zbîrce + Ciuciu from Oradea. The stage took place on May 20, the launch location being Mezokovesd, Hungary. For fanciers, the first place in the ranking was occupied also by a tandem, Weiss + Liep, from Apateu.

In the first race organized in the Pigeon Association Arad, which took place on May 21, approximately 8,500 pigeons participated. The pigeons were released at 06:25, and the first arrivals were recorded after less than two hours of flight. Fancier Daniel Moș had an extraordinary performance in this first competition, occupying the first five places of the ranking.

Daniel Mos starts the season with a perfect result

For the 2020 season, Daniel Moș has prepared a team of 65 pigeons competed on widowhood method. In the first stage of the season, all 65 flyers were engaged, and five of them managed to be the fastest pigeons in the whole competition. They arrived home at 07:42, within 13 seconds. Very interesting is that all five pigeons are related, being sons, grandsons and great-grandsons of the basic couple in the breeding compartment, a pair of Koopman origins,Vandenabeele and Van Dyck. On the other hand, in the fanciers’ ranking, the best of the 120 pigeon lovers who participated in this first stage was Hohn Dieter from Arad. Of the 46 pigeons engaged, Hohn Dieter managed to rank 18. The first two pigeons nominated for the team ranked 67th and 85th, thus helping Hohn Dieter to rank first in the standings. Also for fanciers, the podium is completed by the tandems Mester + Todan, on the second place, respectively Tau + Danilă, on the third place.

The first competition in 2020 for pigeon lovers in Bihor

Mezokovesd, the first stage of the season for fanciers in Bihor, was a competition with distances that started from 120 km for the first line on the flight direction, reaching up to 190 km and even 200 km for those who are much more behind.

133 fanciers from the Bihor association participated, and the number of engaged pigeons was 5,900. Due to the fact that the weather created some difficulties for the launch, the pigeons were released at 12:45. However, the race was a very successful one, with minimal losses and very good speeds for the first pigeons to arrive.

 Team Zbîrce + Ciuciu wins the 1st place

Team Zbîrce+Ciuciu is formed by Gheorghe Zbîrce și Sergiu Ciuciu, both from Oradea, who have been competing together for two years. The two fanciers compete for all the categories, but they have had the best results so far in the Short distance, Middle distance and All-dound categories. The flight method they use is widowhood, only for the first races, for the first Long distance race of the season pigeons being mated and competed after laying eggs. At the Mezokovesd stage, where they won the 1st place at the launch, the two pigeon fanciers engaged 40 pigeons. The best of them was the cock 5081906/2018, the one who managed to overtake the entire competition in this race and to win first place. The cock arrived home at 14:25:38, having an average speed of 1314.97 m/min. The first stage was a real success for the tandem Zbîrce + Ciuciu and in terms of the percentage of rankings. Of the 40 pigeons employed, 27 managed to rank, the tandem ranking seventh for the fanciers competition. In the general ranking of fanciers of the stage, on the first place is the team Weiss + Liep from Apateu. A team of 37 pigeons was engaged for this competition, of which 28 managed to rank. The first two pigeons in the team ranked 25th and 30th, totaling a coefficient of 9.32 penalty points, enough for the Weiss + Liep team to win 1st place out of 133 fanciers.

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