Madonna National 2022, race of the night rankings

999 fanciers from Botoșani, Iași, Vaslui, Neamț, Bacău and Suceava participated, in the middle of July, in the Madona National stage, a flight organized by the Suceava Columbophile Association, an extreme marathon stage where the shortest distances came close of 1,000 air kilometers and the longest distances exceeded 1,200 air kilometers. It should be mentioned that many of the pigeons managed to reach the lofts a few hours after dark, proving an iron will and an extraordinary sense of direction.

Bogdan Varvaruc

The launch took place, as expected, in normal conditions, and after about 15 hours of continuous flight the first pigeons appeared on the live arrivals of the leaderboard. The first step of the general ranking was won by the phenomenal yearling 0619378-2021 of Bogdan Varvaruc, from Corni, Botoșani county, with an average speed of 1,160.67 m/minute. We know that these birds are capable of extraordinary things, but we still don’t fully know their limits, so from one flight to another, from one season to another, they always manage to surprise us with new records. 0619378-2021 flew, within this stage, 1,064 aerial kilometers, without many stops, managing to outclass all the competition, i.e. 14,484 participating pigeons. Bogdan Varvaruc is a young pigeon fancier, at the beginning of his journey, who has been competing racing pigeons for only 4 years. However, when you have high-quality birds in the aviary, you get very nice surprises from them. In terms of origins, the father of this hen is brought from my friend Bogdan Boscu, the cock whose mother is the hen “500”, this hen being also the mother of the only pigeon that managed to fulfill two norms in Corni club, namely 1st place in the Extreme Yearlings Marathon and 1st place Marathon Ace ce Yearlings 2021. The champion’s mother is a combination of Relu Iurieti’s and Călin Habaci’s pigeons.
2nd place in the general ranking of the pigeon category is also awarded to a bird from Botoșani county, namely the cock series 0089043-2020, which belongs to the Damian Family, from Brehuiești. To be able to achieve this amazing feat, this cock had to cover the 1,059 air kilometers at an average speed of 1,159.70 m/minute, hitting the antenna at 20:36:16 on the first day of arrivals. This wonderful pigeon is not the first “offense” of this kind, at the Code marathon stage this season he managed to get a 21st place and 9.05 penalty points, and in the 2021 season he took the 1st place in the Long distance Yearlings and the 3rd place Long distance ace Yearlings, in Botoșani county.

Damian Family

In the 2021 season, his nest brother managed to get the 2nd provincial place in the Vilnius Marathon stage, out of 16,463 participating pigeons, proving once again the value of the family he is part of. It must be said that many of the brothers or half-brothers of the vice-champion of this stage are special pigeons that have managed to stand out over the years, such as the 2nd provincial Vilnius 2021, the 5th national Madona out of 12,423 pigeons in 2017, the 5 Seta from 13,024 pigeons in 2018 times 25th national place Madona in 2018 from 12,423 participating pigeons. In terms of parentage, the father of 0089043-2020 is “Oslo D” NL-1804381-2013, original H&E J Eijerkamp, with almost all the famous pigeons of Jan Aarden and Jef Van Wanroy as his ancestors, his father being inbred to Ronaldo’91. The mother of this cock is “Runako D” RO 694617-2015, original Bacalu Family, being the granddaughter of “Fantom” and “Ramon”, based on pigeons that have made several fanciers passionate about marathon stages known at European level. The Damian Family’s pigeon training method was natural, 0089043-2020 starting at this stage in a nest position with eggs.

Moroșan Simi and Costică

From the town of Cajvana, Suceava county, the team of Moroșan Simi and Costică climbed to the third step of the podium with their experienced and strong cock series 0479048-2019, who managed to cross the 1,057 aerial kilometers with an average speed of 1,137.91 m/minute . In the 2021 season, this pigeons ranked both stages of the national marathon – Madona and Birzai, and this year he is competing to fulfill the 2 years ranking norm. The training method by which it was flown is widowhood. Both of his parents have Rauw-Sablon blood as origins. In the Madona National edition of the 2021 season, the team Moroșan Simi and Costică made a beautiful figure, occupying the 8th place in the general ranking of the stage with the pigeon series 479026-2019 out of 10,598 pigeons, a sign that the pigeons they own like them very much extreme marathon stages.

Suceava, monopoly on breeders

As for the fanciers’ ranking, the podium of this stage was occupied by three pigeon fanciers from Suceava. 1st place went to Petru Crețu, from Bădeuți, who entered 15 pigeons in this race and managed to rank 6 of them. The three pigeons that achieved the great result are the cock 1102027-2021, the cock 0463221-2019 and the hen series 0463202-2019, pigeons that arrived at the loft within just six minutes.
2nd place in this category is claimed by the team of Gagea Ionuț and Ionela, from the town of Scheia, their batch consisting of 29 birds, 14 of which managed to rank. It should be mentioned that a young hen, with the series 0200025-2021, succeeds in a nocturnal ranking, being recorded by the detecting clock at 00:32:59.
The third step of the podium in this category is occupied by the team of Grigorean and Acununi, from the town of Marginea. For this stage, they prepared a batch of 64 pigeons, managing to rank 31 of them. Their first three pigeons from the team were all cocks from 2019, their arrivals being very compact ones.

Suceava rankings

In the ranking of the organizing county of Suceava, the 1st place in the category of pigeons is occupied by the cock 0479048-2019, who also holds the 3rd place for the entire release, followed on the 2nd and 3rd place in the county by two hens, old birds, with the series 0791739-2019 and 0773056-2020 , belonging to the fanciers Lungoci Mihai and Matei, from Horodnic de Sus, and Florin Narcis Strugari, from the town of Iaslovăț.
In the fanciers category, the three county champions are Petru Crețu, Gagea Ionuț and Ionela and Grigorean and Acununi, who are also the three winners of the general ranking in this category.

Botoșani rankings

The podium of Botoșani county is composed of Bogdan Varvaruc, who managed to award himself the first place, on the second step we find the Damian Family, while the third step went to Radu Prigoreanu from Hârlău. The podium of the fanciers category of this county is won by Daniel Dediu, from Dorohoi, who engaged a batch of 40 pigeons and managed to rank 24 of them. On the 2nd place of the podium is Relu Iurieti, from Corni, who engaged a number of 25 pigeons, 11 of them achieving good rankings.
Cristian Pughiuc remains in top, achieving the 3rd place in the fanciers category, participating with a batch of 32 pigeons in this race, of which 15 managed to rank it.

Iasi rankings

Dumitru Bezedică

As for the county of Iași, this time also the cock with the series 0301132-2019, belonging to Dumitru Bezeidica, from the town of Hârlău, who, last season, also managed to take the 1st place in the county Madona National. In fact, the 2021 season was a special one for this pigeon, which also obtained 1st place Marathon Grand Prix, 1st place Marathon ace old birds, as well as 1st place Marathon 2 years rankings old birds, county level. This season, the pigeons of the fanciers from Iași were prepared on natural method, the champion being basketed on eggs of 10-12 days. As origins, his father is the grandson of “PauMan”, original Sorin Florea, and original mother Mark Pollin.
The 2nd and 3rd county places were occupied, by two beautiful night arrivals, by hens 3075453-2018 and 0964088-2020, which belong to Ionuț Ungureanu and Andrei Mihalache, both from Pașcani.
The county podium in the fanciers category is won by the same Ionuț Ungureanu, who engaged a batch of 24 pigeons and ranked 5 of them. The second place in the county is occupied by Andrei Mihalache, who ranks 3 pigeons from the 23, and Claudiu Loghin climbs to the 3rd place, with 6 pigeons ranked from the group of 19 birds basketed for this flight.

Vaslui rankings

Ionuț Andrei Teslariu

In Vaslui, the hen 3088873-2018, belonging to Andrei Ionuț Teslariu, outperforms the other 991 pigeons entered in this county and gets the 1st place. This special bird is, in fact, a county star, succeeding, in the 2020 season, the 1st county place Birzai, 5th county Vilnius 2021, 1st county Extreme 2 years rankings Marathon and 2nd county Marathon Palmares 2021. His father is the son of 0100094-2012, who has over 14,000 kilometers ranked in the Long Distance and Marathon stages in Vasile Cordeanu’s loft, at the same time he is the brother of the national champion in the Maraton Ace Palmares 3 years rankings category 2017. Her mother ahs origins of Bogdan Oros and is a half brother with “Invincible Yearling” – 3rd place national Maraton Ace Yearlings 2017. The hen was flown naturally, leaving on eggs of 5 days.
The 2nd and 3rd places go to two other beautiful and strong hens, with series 0619669-2019 and 0590843-2020, which belong to pigeon fanciers Marian Miron from Bârlad and the team Grapa and Niță from Bădeana. On the first position of the county podium in the fanciers category goes Nicușor Caeru, who engaged 13 pigeons and ranked 4. On the 2nd place goes the Gălățanu Family, from Zorleni, who this time ranked 5 pigeons out of 12, and on the third step there is Marian Miron from Bârlad.

Neamț rankings

Bejenariu Brothers

In Neamț, the county ranking is won by the Bejenariu Brothers, through the cock series 0516850-2019, which arrives at nightfall, at 22:21:27. He is bred from a cock from Vicentiu Scripcaru, and his mother is a hen from Cătălin Apostu, half-sister to “Apasha”. He helped the owner to get the 1st place fanciers in the competition and in the Kedainiai Extrem Marathon stage. In the 2021 season, the pigeon has the norm for the Marathon old birds completed with 260 penalty points, and this season it already has the norm for the Extreme Marathon with approximately 13 penalty points. Another half-brother with him after the mother manages to complete the Marathon Yearlings norm already, giving high hopes for next year’s season. The flight method by which this superpigeon prepares is the widow. The 2nd and 3rd county places are won by other nocturnal arrivals of the male series 0410479-2019, belonging to the Cristescu Family, from Târgul-Neamț, who arrived at 23:15:42, and by the hen 2004942-2020, of fancier Mihai Marian Aftănase, who also stepped on the hatch later in the night, at 00:14:26.
The 1st place in the ranking of Neamț county in the category of fanciers went to Florin Petrache, whose pigeons have an aerial distance of 1,150 kilometers to travel. This time, Florin engaged 18 pigeons, ranking 7 of them. On the 2nd place in this category we find Mircea Bejenaru, and on the 3rd place the team Lupoi + Roman.

Bacău rankings

Măgirescu+Ojog+Dorneanu trio

In Bacău county, the successful trio Măgirescu+Ojog+Dorneanu is making a splash again, monopolizing the entire county podium in the pigeon category, where they took the 1,2,3,4,5,7+ places, all these birds arriving late at night. The first bird to arrive at the loft in Bacău is the cock with the series 0261021-2020, which steps down the antenna at 23:22:55, occupying, in addition to the 1st place in the county out of 1,390 engaged pigeons, and the 1st place in zone 2 out of 5,027 pigeons. The other two pigeons that arrived after him are the hen 0706752-2019 and the yearling cock 0207603-2021, who arrived home at 00:48:06 and 01:03:35, occupying the 2nd and 3rd places in the county, covering the 1,187 kilometers air with average speeds of 1,018.81, respectively 1,005.45 m/minute. 0261021-2020 is the paternal grandson of “Super Velden” and “Sister Narbone”, these two being the parents and grandparents of several national champions in various marathon categories. His mother is a bloodline of the super breeder “Lista Polder”, at the same time he is also a cousin of the hen that occupies the 2nd place in the county, both being grandchildren of “Lista Polder”. This impressive cock was competed on 5-day-old eggs and a large chick in the nest, a position that fully motivated him.

The ranking of the fanciers category of Bacău county is won by the same team Măgirescu+ Ojog+ Dorneanu, who engaged in this stage a batch of 91 pigeons, ranking 53 of them. In the second position we find Cristian Profir, also from Bacău, who basketed 35 pigeons and ranked 8 of them. On the third step of the podium of this category was the pigeon fancier from Moinești, Traian Popescu, who participated with a number of 10 pigeons, and 4 of them manage to rank the race.

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